: Hi
MrBigJer18: Hello
FretMan82: what's your name ?
MrBigJer18: Jeremy
FretMan82: did you pick that name ?
MrBigJer18: Well, no. But I like it
FretMan82: cool
FretMan82: did you know that pearl
jam wrote a song called jeremy ?
FretMan82: I don't like it
FretMan82: but I just thought you
should know
MrBigJer18: yeah, I inspired that song
FretMan82: no you didn't
FretMan82: moving on
MrBigJer18: and forward
FretMan82: right......
FretMan82: uhhh
FretMan82: so if your could give on
piece of advice to the world what
would it be ?
MrBigJer18: Don't eat cacti
FretMan82: that's.........great
MrBigJer18: Yes it is.
FretMan82: why do you think that is
important to tell everyone ?
MrBigJer18: Well, theres a myth about eating
FretMan82: there is ?
FretMan82: what's that ?
MrBigJer18: People think its good and goes
down easy.
MrBigJer18: Certainly not true
FretMan82: what !?
FretMan82: NO THEY DON'T
FretMan82: jeremy this is a serious
MrBigJer18: I am serious
FretMan82: if your gonna waste my
time with this silly nonsense
then I'll have you beaten with a
wet carp !
MrBigJer18: I actually would enjoy that.
FretMan82: I see.....
FretMan82: ok ok ok moving
on.......and forward
FretMan82: what are your feelings
about the charlatan ?
MrBigJer18: Well, Its great. I could never
FretMan82: (That's because I have
maffia ties.....)
MrBigJer18: What color? Stripes? Dots?
MrBigJer18: I have a lot of ties myself
FretMan82: Right......
FretMan82: You, you weren't
supposed to see that stuff in
FretMan82: I thought we went over
this !
MrBigJer18: No you didn't my friend. Huh uh.
MrBigJer18: nope
FretMan82: damnit damnit
damnit........this happens every
time !
MrBigJer18: Its the interviewers fault for sure
FretMan82: what ?
FretMan82: you better step down !
MrBigJer18: I know you should.
FretMan82: cactus boy !
MrBigJer18: Hey hey hey, you wanna take this
FretMan82: no thanx, you might
break a nail !~
MrBigJer18: oh oh oh, I see how it is.
FretMan82: yeah that's right !
FretMan82: bitch
MrBigJer18: Watch it bub.
FretMan82: alright
FretMan82: I'm sorry
FretMan82: we should get back to
the interview
MrBigJer18: you better be
MrBigJer18: we should.
MrBigJer18: Nuff chat
FretMan82: ok.... (what ??)
FretMan82: what is your favorite
color ?
MrBigJer18: blue
MrBigJer18: aquamarine blue
FretMan82: wait is that the color of
that guy's car ?
MrBigJer18: "That guy's" car was not blue,
FretMan82: Bright Aquamarine Blue
MrBigJer18: oh, excuse me mr. perfect
FretMan82: it's ok
FretMan82: ok
FretMan82: last question
FretMan82: if you could have one
wish what would it be ?
MrBigJer18: That everyone could own a cat.
FretMan82: jesus jumped up christ.......Ok
thank your for you time.