Top Ten Things You Don't Want To Hear You Dentist Say
10. Whoops! I bet that hurt...
9. Ah jeez, I have really bad aim with these things!
8. Don't worry kid, if I screw up we can always get you some really nice dentures!
7. Ever hear of Scope?!?
6. Novocain on a root canal?!? What a baby!
5. To be honest I don't think you needed that tooth...
4. Nurse could you please direct my hand to the lower jaw? I seem to have left my glasses at home.
3. Engine engine number nine running down Chicago line, if the train should jump the track, do you want you front teeth back?
2. Nurse, he did sign the zero-liability form, correct?
1. Is that a baby tooth or an adult tooth, aww heck I'm pullin' it!
By Darin and Lee