Old News

I'm a slacker. When I'm not at work or at school I sit around an play video games. For that very reason The Charlatan will never be my top priority. Even if it was my top priority I have one question. That is, does anyone even visit The Charlatan anymore? Am I updating this for no reason whatsoever? IS ANYONE READING THIS? If anyone did come to The Charlatan and liked it they would've come back and realized that everything is the same... I take full responsibility for this, not that it matters because absolutely no one will ever read this because The Charlatan has been a miserable failure since the get-go. Darin and Scott should've never brought it to the internet... It should have stayed a project for Computer Applications and that would've been it. That's all I have to say on the matter. (and about my promise to the people that never read the promise [see below in old news], I'm not going to add anything funny to the site because no one will come to the site to reap the fruits of my labor, so there!)

Okay, so I liberated the Charlatan and said I was gonna do a whole bunch of stuff... Well, I will... But something's come up; Gran Turismo 3!!! Whoooooo this game is freakin' awesome!!! I can't put it down... I'm actually playing it right now (I'm on a course with two long straights and two giant turns)! So, uh, once I can hold back my addiction (maybe I'll get Gran Turismo gum, or maybe the patch) I promise that I'll put some funny schtuff on here for yinz.

Just when you thought it was dead...

So anyway...
I have a long and confusing story which lead to the resurrection of The Charlatan!!! But I don't feel like typing it. So you'll just have to deal with this:

I have liberated The Charlatan from the evil clutches of Scott Sweeney!

Expect to see some changes around here, if not in content, in web design. I plan to overhaul the page so it's not such an eye sore. And from then, I don't know...

I plan to re-staff The Charlatan and this time there might actually be more than three people working on it. I'm going to need someone who is good at art because frankly, I suck. I'm gonna need some people who can write in a sarcastic, realistic, yet untrue style (similar to Darin and Scott). And it wouldn't hurt to have someone who knows HTML and doesn't just pretend to (NO FRONTPAGE ALLOWED!!!). If you think you qualify for any of these positions, e-mail: thecharlatan@yngwie.com.
